Data-providing processes

Improve and
speed up



Mejorar y
Agilizar los
Procesos de


Processes and production lines

In P&D Automatización we are specialists in the automation of industrial processes and production lines using the latest technology in automation hardware and SCADA software. From our automation and control department we offer solutions to introduce our customers from the industrial sector in the Industry 4.0.

There are several solutions provided by the automation and control department oriented to the improvement and automation of manufacturing processes

Automation of production lines
Sensor technology and instrumentation
Development and integration of SCADA monitoring and control software
Machinery and equipment automation
Communication and control buses

The solutions oriented to Industry 4.0 are among the most requested ones nowadays, especially the development of projects that connect sensor/instrumentation networks with Big Data or Machine Learning applications, as well as the connection of SCADAs with MES or ERP systems. P&D Automatización, as a company specialized in industrial automation, is an ideal partner to integrate 4.0 applications at factory level, developing middle layer solutions between field and management and data processing software applications.